Class MySQLInsertGenerator

  extended by

public class MySQLInsertGenerator
extends java.lang.Object

A MySQL insert statement generator.

This class provides for constructing a MySQL-specific SQL Insert statement that takes multiple value lists in one insert. This kind of insert typically runs an order of magnitude faster than individual inserts.

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String[] fieldNames
          The name of the column fields, in order, for each data row.
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer insertBuffer
          The string buffer in which to build the insert statement.
protected  boolean[] isNumeric
          True if a field is a number, false otherwise.
protected  java.lang.String tableName
          The name of the database table into which to insert the data rows.
Constructor Summary
MySQLInsertGenerator(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String[] fieldNames, boolean[] isNumeric)
          Create a MySQL insert generator.
Method Summary
 void addRow(java.lang.Object[] rowData)
          Add a row of data.
protected  java.lang.String escapeSingleQuotes(java.lang.String value)
          Escapes single quotes in a data value.
 java.lang.String getInsert()
          Get the insert statement.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String tableName
The name of the database table into which to insert the data rows.


protected java.lang.String[] fieldNames
The name of the column fields, in order, for each data row.


protected boolean[] isNumeric
True if a field is a number, false otherwise. Use to determine how to format data values in the generated insert statement.


protected java.lang.StringBuffer insertBuffer
The string buffer in which to build the insert statement.

Constructor Detail


public MySQLInsertGenerator(java.lang.String tableName,
                            java.lang.String[] fieldNames,
                            boolean[] isNumeric)
Create a MySQL insert generator.

tableName - The database table name to receive the data.
fieldNames - The name of the column fields, in order, for each data row.
isNumeric - True if the associated field is numeric, false for a string.
Method Detail


protected java.lang.String escapeSingleQuotes(java.lang.String value)
Escapes single quotes in a data value.

value - The value to escape.
The value with single quotes escaped using \' .


public void addRow(java.lang.Object[] rowData)
Add a row of data.

rowData - An Object[] array containing the data values.

Each row value must have a proper toString() method defined. The number of row values must match the number of field names passed in the contructor. If there are two many values, the extra values are ignored. If there are too few values, database null values are added.


public java.lang.String getInsert()
Get the insert statement.

The completed insert statement.

The string buffer used to build the insert statement is emptied. Any subsequent calls to addRow will start a new insert statement with the same table name and field names are defined in the constructor call.