Class Gamma

  extended by

public class Gamma
extends java.lang.Object

Gamma distribution functions.

Field Summary
static double MAXGAM
          Maximum value for which gamma which can be computed.
Constructor Summary
protected Gamma()
          Make class non-instantiable but inheritable.
Method Summary
static double gamma(double x)
          Gamma function.
static double incompleteGamma(double x, double alpha)
          Cumulative probability density function for the incomplete gamma function.
static double incompleteGamma(double x, double alpha, int dPrec, int maxIter)
          Cumulative probability density function for the incomplete gamma function.
static double logGamma(double y)
          Calculate log of Gamma function.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final double MAXGAM
Maximum value for which gamma which can be computed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected Gamma()
Make class non-instantiable but inheritable.

Method Detail


public static double gamma(double x)
Gamma function.

x - Value for which Gamma is to be computed.
Value of gamma function if computable. The value Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY is returned for bad values of x or when overflow would occur.

The method used is presented in "An Overview of Software Development for Special Functions" by W. J. Cody in Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 506, Numerical Analysis Dundee, 1975, G. A. Watson (ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1976.

Also see Hart et al, "Computer Approximations", Wiley(1968), p. 130F.

This java code is a fairly straightforward translation of the freely available Fortran function GAMMA by Cody and Stolz.


public static double logGamma(double y)
Calculate log of Gamma function.

y - Gamma distribution parameter.
Log gamma for specified parameter. The value Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY is returned for y <= 0.0 or when overflow would occur.

Minimax polynomial approximations are used over the intervals [-inf,0], [0,.5], [.5,1.5], [1.5,4.0], [4.0,12.0], [12.0,+inf].

See Hart et al, "Computer Approximations", Wiley(1968), p. 130F, and also Cody and Hillstrom, "Chebyshev approximations for the natural logarithm of the Gamma function", Mathematics of Computation, 21, April, 1967, P. 198F.

The minimax coefficients for y > 12 come from Hart et al. The other coefficients come from unpublished work by W. J. Cody and L. Stoltz at Argonne National Laboratory. This java code is a fairly straightforward translation of the freely available Fortran function ALGAMA by Cody and Stolz.


public static double incompleteGamma(double x,
                                     double alpha,
                                     int dPrec,
                                     int maxIter)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Cumulative probability density function for the incomplete gamma function.

x - Gamma distribution value
alpha - Shape parameter
dPrec - Digits of precision desired (1 < dPrec < Constants.MAXPREC)
maxIter - Maximum number of iterations allowed
Cumulative probability density function value
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if x < 0 or alpha <= 0

Either an infinite series summation or a continued fraction approximation is used, depending upon the argument range. See Bhattacharjee GP (1970) The incomplete gamma integral. Applied Statistics, 19: 285-287 (AS32) . The result is accurate to about 14 decimal digits.


public static double incompleteGamma(double x,
                                     double alpha)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Cumulative probability density function for the incomplete gamma function.

x - Gamma distribution value
alpha - Shape parameter
Cumulative probability density function value
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if x < 0 or alpha <= 0

Either an infinite series summation or a continued fraction approximation is used, depending upon the argument range. See Bhattacharjee GP (1970) The incomplete gamma integral. Applied Statistics, 19: 285-287 (AS32) . The result is accurate to about 14 decimal digits.