
Methods for working with two-dimensional matrices stored as arrays of doubles.


Interface Summary
ColumnTransformation Defines a column transformation for a matrix.
Matrix Two-dimensional matrix interface class for doubles.
MatrixConditionalEBETransformation MatrixConditionalEBETransformation.
MatrixEBEOperation Perform element-by-element operation on a matrix.
MatrixEBETransformation Perform and element-by-element transformation of matrix elements.

Class Summary
AbstractMatrix Abstract class which implements Matrix interface.
CholeskyDecomposition Cholesky Decomposition.
ColumnTransformer ColumnTransformer -- operations that can be carried out on columns of a matrix.
DenseMatrix Implements a matrix as a dense two-dimensional array of doubles.
EigenvalueDecomposition Eigenvalue decomposition of a matrix.
LUDecomposition LUDecomposition of a matrix using Crout/Dolittle algorithm.
Matrices Matrices: Perform operations on matrices.
MatricesMeasure MatricesMeasure provides methods applicable to two (or more) matrices.
MatrixDisplay Displays matrix entries in a GUI table.
MatrixEBETransformer Apply a transformation to each element of a matrix.
MatrixFactory MatrixFactory creates matrices with different types of entries.
MatrixFromString MatrixFromString provides methods for parsing a string containing a matrix.
MatrixFromString.MatrixFromStringParser General recursive descent parser class for matrices whose forma can be parsed with regular expressions.
MatrixMeasure MatrixMeasure computes important measures associated with a matrix.
MatrixOperator MatrixOperator provides operations that can be performed on two or more matrices.
MatrixProperty MatrixProperty returns a boolean value for a property of a matrix.
MatrixTablePanel Display a matrix with a toolbar.
MatrixToString Converts matrix entries to string for output.
MatrixTransformer Transform all matrix entries element-by-element.
QRDecomposition QR Decomposition of a matrix using Householder reflections.
RowTransformer RowTransformer performs operations that can be carried out on rows of a matrix.
SingularValueDecomposition Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix.
SparseMatrix Implements a sparse matrix using a hash map.

Exception Summary
MatrixMismatchedSizeException Error for reporting matrix nonconformability.
MatrixSingularException Error for reporting matrix singularity.

Package Description

Methods for working with two-dimensional matrices stored as arrays of doubles. The code here is based in part on the following existing matrix libraries for Java.