Interface MonadicFunctionRootFinder

All Known Implementing Classes:
Bisection, Brent, NewtonRaphson, Secant

public interface MonadicFunctionRootFinder

Interface implemented by monadic function root finders.

Method Summary
 double findRoot(double x0, double x1, double tol, int maxIter, MonadicFunction function, MonadicFunction derivativeFunction, RootFinderConvergenceTest convergenceTest, RootFinderIterationInformation iterationInformation)
          MonadicFunctionRootFinder interface.

Method Detail


double findRoot(double x0,
                double x1,
                double tol,
                int maxIter,
                MonadicFunction function,
                MonadicFunction derivativeFunction,
                RootFinderConvergenceTest convergenceTest,
                RootFinderIterationInformation iterationInformation)
MonadicFunctionRootFinder interface.

x0 - Left bracket value for root.
x1 - Right bracket value for root. Not used by some root-finder (e.g., Newton/Raphson), set to same value as x0 in those cases.
tol - Convergence tolerance.
maxIter - Maximum number of iterations.
function - MonadicFunction computes value for function whose root is being sought.
derivativeFunction - MonadicFunction computes derivative value for function whose root is being sought. Currently used only by Newton/Raphson, set to null for other methods.
convergenceTest - RootFinderConvergenceTest which tests for convergence of the root-finding process.
iterationInformation - Method implementing the RootFinderIterationInformation interace. Allows retrieval of function, function derivative, and iteration number for each iteration in the root-finding process. Can be set to null if you don't want to get that information.