Interface Summary | |
ClipboardHasPasteableData | Component can determine if the Clipboard has pasteable data. |
CutCopyPaste | CutCopyPaste -- interface for objects implementing clipboard cut, copy, and paste actions. |
Displayable | Interface which indicates an object knows how to display itself. |
EditBatch | EditBatch -- interface for object implementing batch edit undo. |
ExtendedFileNameFilter | Interface for file name filters which can be used with both AWT and Swing. |
Link | A link. |
LocationRectangleChangeListener | LocationRectangleChangeListener -- interface for object listening for change to a LocationRectangle. |
ProgressMonitorTask | Interface for a task which is monitored by a ProgressMonitorDialog. |
ProgressReporter | Interface for classes which report progress. |
SaveToFile | SaveToFile -- interface for objects which know how to save their contents to a file. |
SelectAll | SelectAll -- interface for objects implementing "select all" and "unselect" actions. |
SelectedTextReplacer | SelectedTextReplacer -- interface for selected text replacement. |
SortedTableModel.Row | Row interface for sorted tables. |
TreeIconSetter | Interface for JTree cell renderers which know how to set the tree node icons for display. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractTextEditor | Base class for actions common to text editors. |
BuildAndShowAlert | Builds an later message dialog with a traceback and informative text. |
CheckBoxList | CheckBoxList: a JCheckBoxList with checkboxes as entries. |
CheckBoxListItem | Defines an entry for a CheckBoxList. |
CheckBoxListRenderer | CheckBoxListRenderer: List renderer which knows how to draw checkboxes. |
CheckBoxTreeNode | Defines a node for a CheckBoxTree. |
CheckBoxTreeNodeMouseListener | Handles mouse clicks for tree containing CheckBoxTreeNode objects. |
CheckBoxTreeNodeRenderer | Tree cell renderer which displays a checkbox. |
ComboBoxMultipleKeySelectionManager | Combobox key selection manager which selects items using multiple characters. |
Confirm | A confirmation dialog. |
ConfirmYNC | A confirmation dialog with yes, no, cancel buttons, or just yes and no buttons. |
Cursors | Cursors. |
CustomDocumentListener | Listens for changes to document being edited. |
CustomFileFilter | Custom file filter. |
CutCopyPasteAdapter | CutCopyPasteAdapter adds CutCopyPaste interface methods to a text component. |
DataPanel | DataPanel. |
DataToolBar | Displays toolbar. |
DialogPanel | A dialog panel. |
DisplayImage | Displays a titled image in a dialog box with a close button. |
DisplayListBox | Displays list box with ok and cancel buttons. |
DocumentTokenizer | Tokenizes document text. |
DummyFrame | Provides a dummy parent frame for dialogs. |
ErrorMessage | An error message alert. |
FileDialogs | File Dialogs. |
FileDialogs.FilterWrapper | Class to wrap a file filter. |
FileExtensionFilter | File name filter for use with both AWT and Swing file dialogs. |
FileNameTextField | An XTextField which understands dragging of file names from the system file browser. |
FileTokenizer | Tokenizes text from a text file. |
FilledTriangle | Filled triangle Swing components. |
Fonts | Fonts information. |
ImagePreview | Image previewer accessory for file chooser dialogs. |
ImageTransferable | Transferable for image files. |
InformationMessage | An informational message alert. |
InputKeys | Methods for input key handling. |
InputList | Cooperating input field and list. |
JPEGConverters | Converts between buffered images and JPEG images stored in byte arrays. |
JPEGConverters.MyImageWriteParam | |
JustifiableTextFlowStrategy | |
JustifiableTextParagraphView | A paragraph view for styled text which can contain fully justified lines of text. |
JustifiedTextRowView | A variant of a BoxView which knows how to lay out
fully justified styled text. |
LabeledColumn | A labeled column of Swing components. |
LinkLabel | LinkLabel: a label which optionally contains clickable hypertext. |
LinkList | LinkList: a list containing clickable linked items. |
LinkTextTableCellRenderer | Table cell renderer class for text with support for underlined link. |
ListCellRendererNoFocus | A list cell renderer which never draws focus indicators. |
ListDragSource | An abstract base class for JList drag source components. |
ListDropTargetOnItem | An abstract base class for JList drop targets where the targets are the list elements. |
LocationRectangle | Defines a rectangle in terms of its coordinates. |
LookAndFeel | Swing Look and Feel. |
LookAndFeel.ExtendedLookAndFeelInfo | |
MacUtils | Macintosh utilites. |
ModalDialog | A modal dialog. |
MultiLineLabel | |
PlusOrMinusButton | A plus or minus button. |
PrintfFormatTableCellRenderer | A table cell renderer which formats cell entries using PrintFFormat. |
ProgressBarOrLabel | A component that displays either a progress bar or a small label. |
ProgressDialog | Displays a progress dialog. |
ProgressLabelAdapter | Wraps a JLabel with a progress reporter. |
ProgressMonitorDialog | Displays a progress dialog for a task running in a SwingWorker thread. |
ProgressPanel | Displays progress in a panel. |
ResultsPanel | A results panel. |
RowHeaderRenderer | |
SaveTableData | Saves data stored in a JTable to a file is several different formats. |
SaveTableModelData | Saves data stored in a TableModel to a file is several different formats. |
SaveTreeData | Saves data stored in a JTree to a file is several different formats. |
SearchAndReplaceDialog | Performs search and replace text operations for JTextComponent. |
SimpleTable | A simple table of strings. |
SmallComboBox | A small combo box. |
SortedListModel | Sorted list model. |
SortedTableModel | Sorted table model. |
SortedTableModelRow | Simple concrete implementation of sorted table model row. |
SortedTreeModel | Sorted tree model. |
SortedTreeNode | Sorted tree node. |
SplashScreen | Displays a splash screen. |
SwingRunner | |
SwingUtils | Miscellaneous Swing utilities. |
SwingUtils.ExitListener | Quits application when main JFrame is closed. |
SwingWorker | SwingWorker. |
TableDragMouseHandler | Handles mouse events for drag and drop operations on JTable. |
TableModelMapper | Table model that eliminates hidden (zero width) columns. |
TabSelectFocusManager | Tab select focus manager. |
TextFieldPopupMenuMouseListener | Creates a popup menu for applying edit operations to text fields. |
ThreeStateCheckBox | ThreeStateCheckBox implements a three state checkbox. |
TimeOfDayTextField | A text field for inputting the time of day in "hh:mm am" form. |
TimerTextField | A text field for inputting a timer value as "days hh:mm:ss". |
TreeCombo | |
TreeComboListEntryRenderer | |
TreeDragSource | An abstract base class for JTree drag source components. |
TreeDropTargetOnItem | An abstract base class for JTree drop targets where the targets are the nodes. |
TreeListEntry | |
TreeToListModel | |
TreeUtils | Swing tree utilities. |
UnexpectedErrorMessage | An unexpected error message alert. |
URLTextField | An XTextField which understands drag/drop of URLs. |
URLTransferable | Implements a transferable class for URLs. |
UserInput | An input dialog for a string value which displays a title, prompt, and default. |
WarningMessage | A warning message alert. |
WebLink | A web link. |
WindowPositioning | Utilities for positioning Swing windows. |
WindowsMenuManager | An abstract window base class that manages Windows menus. |
WrappedTextPanel | A panel containing word-wrapped text. |
XBoldLabel | A JLabel with a bold font. |
XDragSource | An abstract base class for drag sources. |
XDropTarget | An abstract base class for drop targets. |
XFrame | An extended version of a JFrame. |
XList | A JList with different defaults and behavior. |
XParameters | Parameters for the X classes. |
XPasswordField | A JPasswordField with different defaults and behavior. |
XScrollPane | Extended JScrollPane. |
XSmallLabel | A JLabel with a smaller font size (2 points smaller than the default. |
XStyledEditorKit | An extended StyledEditorKit which supports full justification of text lines in paragraphs. |
XStyledViewFactory | An extended styled view factory which creates views for paragraphs allowing full justification of text. |
XTable | A JTable with different defaults and behavior. |
XTableColumnModel | XTableColumnModel extends DefaultTableColumnModel with methods to hide and unhide columns. |
XTextArea | A JTextArea with different defaults and behavior. |
XTextField | A JTextField with different defaults and behavior. |
XTextPane | A JTextPane with extra support for StyledString 's and other
features. |
XTextPane.LinkInfo | Link information. |
XTextPaneTableCellRenderer | Table cell renderer class for styled text. |
XTree | A JTree with different defaults and behavior. |
Reusable Swing and AWT components.