
Reusable Swing and AWT components.


Interface Summary
ClipboardHasPasteableData Component can determine if the Clipboard has pasteable data.
CutCopyPaste CutCopyPaste -- interface for objects implementing clipboard cut, copy, and paste actions.
Displayable Interface which indicates an object knows how to display itself.
EditBatch EditBatch -- interface for object implementing batch edit undo.
ExtendedFileNameFilter Interface for file name filters which can be used with both AWT and Swing.
Link A link.
LocationRectangleChangeListener LocationRectangleChangeListener -- interface for object listening for change to a LocationRectangle.
ProgressMonitorTask Interface for a task which is monitored by a ProgressMonitorDialog.
ProgressReporter Interface for classes which report progress.
SaveToFile SaveToFile -- interface for objects which know how to save their contents to a file.
SelectAll SelectAll -- interface for objects implementing "select all" and "unselect" actions.
SelectedTextReplacer SelectedTextReplacer -- interface for selected text replacement.
SortedTableModel.Row Row interface for sorted tables.
TreeIconSetter Interface for JTree cell renderers which know how to set the tree node icons for display.

Class Summary
AbstractTextEditor Base class for actions common to text editors.
BuildAndShowAlert Builds an later message dialog with a traceback and informative text.
CheckBoxList CheckBoxList: a JCheckBoxList with checkboxes as entries.
CheckBoxListItem Defines an entry for a CheckBoxList.
CheckBoxListRenderer CheckBoxListRenderer: List renderer which knows how to draw checkboxes.
CheckBoxTreeNode Defines a node for a CheckBoxTree.
CheckBoxTreeNodeMouseListener Handles mouse clicks for tree containing CheckBoxTreeNode objects.
CheckBoxTreeNodeRenderer Tree cell renderer which displays a checkbox.
ComboBoxMultipleKeySelectionManager Combobox key selection manager which selects items using multiple characters.
Confirm A confirmation dialog.
ConfirmYNC A confirmation dialog with yes, no, cancel buttons, or just yes and no buttons.
Cursors Cursors.
CustomDocumentListener Listens for changes to document being edited.
CustomFileFilter Custom file filter.
CutCopyPasteAdapter CutCopyPasteAdapter adds CutCopyPaste interface methods to a text component.
DataPanel DataPanel.
DataToolBar Displays toolbar.
DialogPanel A dialog panel.
DisplayImage Displays a titled image in a dialog box with a close button.
DisplayListBox Displays list box with ok and cancel buttons.
DocumentTokenizer Tokenizes document text.
DummyFrame Provides a dummy parent frame for dialogs.
ErrorMessage An error message alert.
FileDialogs File Dialogs.
FileDialogs.FilterWrapper Class to wrap a file filter.
FileExtensionFilter File name filter for use with both AWT and Swing file dialogs.
FileNameTextField An XTextField which understands dragging of file names from the system file browser.
FileTokenizer Tokenizes text from a text file.
FilledTriangle Filled triangle Swing components.
Fonts Fonts information.
ImagePreview Image previewer accessory for file chooser dialogs.
ImageTransferable Transferable for image files.
InformationMessage An informational message alert.
InputKeys Methods for input key handling.
InputList Cooperating input field and list.
JPEGConverters Converts between buffered images and JPEG images stored in byte arrays.
JustifiableTextParagraphView A paragraph view for styled text which can contain fully justified lines of text.
JustifiedTextRowView A variant of a BoxView which knows how to lay out fully justified styled text.
LabeledColumn A labeled column of Swing components.
LinkLabel LinkLabel: a label which optionally contains clickable hypertext.
LinkList LinkList: a list containing clickable linked items.
LinkTextTableCellRenderer Table cell renderer class for text with support for underlined link.
ListCellRendererNoFocus A list cell renderer which never draws focus indicators.
ListDragSource An abstract base class for JList drag source components.
ListDropTargetOnItem An abstract base class for JList drop targets where the targets are the list elements.
LocationRectangle Defines a rectangle in terms of its coordinates.
LookAndFeel Swing Look and Feel.
MacUtils Macintosh utilites.
ModalDialog A modal dialog.
PlusOrMinusButton A plus or minus button.
PrintfFormatTableCellRenderer A table cell renderer which formats cell entries using PrintFFormat.
ProgressBarOrLabel A component that displays either a progress bar or a small label.
ProgressDialog Displays a progress dialog.
ProgressLabelAdapter Wraps a JLabel with a progress reporter.
ProgressMonitorDialog Displays a progress dialog for a task running in a SwingWorker thread.
ProgressPanel Displays progress in a panel.
ResultsPanel A results panel.
SaveTableData Saves data stored in a JTable to a file is several different formats.
SaveTableModelData Saves data stored in a TableModel to a file is several different formats.
SaveTreeData Saves data stored in a JTree to a file is several different formats.
SearchAndReplaceDialog Performs search and replace text operations for JTextComponent.
SimpleTable A simple table of strings.
SmallComboBox A small combo box.
SortedListModel Sorted list model.
SortedTableModel Sorted table model.
SortedTableModelRow Simple concrete implementation of sorted table model row.
SortedTreeModel Sorted tree model.
SortedTreeNode Sorted tree node.
SplashScreen Displays a splash screen.
SwingUtils Miscellaneous Swing utilities.
SwingUtils.ExitListener Quits application when main JFrame is closed.
SwingWorker SwingWorker.
TableDragMouseHandler Handles mouse events for drag and drop operations on JTable.
TableModelMapper Table model that eliminates hidden (zero width) columns.
TabSelectFocusManager Tab select focus manager.
TextFieldPopupMenuMouseListener Creates a popup menu for applying edit operations to text fields.
ThreeStateCheckBox ThreeStateCheckBox implements a three state checkbox.
TimeOfDayTextField A text field for inputting the time of day in "hh:mm am" form.
TimerTextField A text field for inputting a timer value as "days hh:mm:ss".
TreeDragSource An abstract base class for JTree drag source components.
TreeDropTargetOnItem An abstract base class for JTree drop targets where the targets are the nodes.
TreeUtils Swing tree utilities.
UnexpectedErrorMessage An unexpected error message alert.
URLTextField An XTextField which understands drag/drop of URLs.
URLTransferable Implements a transferable class for URLs.
UserInput An input dialog for a string value which displays a title, prompt, and default.
WarningMessage A warning message alert.
WebLink A web link.
WindowPositioning Utilities for positioning Swing windows.
WindowsMenuManager An abstract window base class that manages Windows menus.
WrappedTextPanel A panel containing word-wrapped text.
XBoldLabel A JLabel with a bold font.
XDragSource An abstract base class for drag sources.
XDropTarget An abstract base class for drop targets.
XFrame An extended version of a JFrame.
XList A JList with different defaults and behavior.
XParameters Parameters for the X classes.
XPasswordField A JPasswordField with different defaults and behavior.
XScrollPane Extended JScrollPane.
XSmallLabel A JLabel with a smaller font size (2 points smaller than the default.
XStyledEditorKit An extended StyledEditorKit which supports full justification of text lines in paragraphs.
XStyledViewFactory An extended styled view factory which creates views for paragraphs allowing full justification of text.
XTable A JTable with different defaults and behavior.
XTableColumnModel XTableColumnModel extends DefaultTableColumnModel with methods to hide and unhide columns.
XTextArea A JTextArea with different defaults and behavior.
XTextField A JTextField with different defaults and behavior.
XTextPane A JTextPane with extra support for StyledString's and other features.
XTextPane.LinkInfo Link information.
XTextPaneTableCellRenderer Table cell renderer class for styled text.
XTree A JTree with different defaults and behavior.

Package Description

Reusable Swing and AWT components.