Interface PersistentObject

All Known Implementing Classes:
Annotation, AnnotationCategory, Author, AuthoredTextAnnotation, BensonLemma, BensonLemPos, BensonPos, Corpus, Lemma, LemmaCorpusCounts, LemmaPosSpellingCounts, LemmaWorkCounts, LemPos, Line, MetricalShape, PhraseSet, PhraseSetPhraseCount, PhraseSetTotalWordFormPhraseCount, Pos, Speaker, Speech, TextAnnotation, TextWrapper, TotalWordFormCount, UserGroup, UserGroupPermission, WHQuery, Word, WordClass, WordCount, WordPart, WordSet, WordSetTotalWordFormCount, WordSetWordCount, Work, WorkPart, WorkSet

public interface PersistentObject

A persistent object.

All persistent objects have unique primary key fields named "id" of type Long.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Long getId()
          Gets the persistence id.

Method Detail


java.lang.Long getId()
Gets the persistence id.

The persistence id.