Class CompareSingleWordFrequencies

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CompareSingleWordFrequencies
extends FrequencyAnalysisRunnerBase
implements AnalysisRunner

Compares a single word form's frequency between two sets of works.

Field Summary
protected static int LOGLIKECOLUMN
          Column containing log-likelihood values in output table.
protected static int OVERUSECOLUMN
          Column containing overuse values in output table.
protected static int WORDCLASSCOLUMN
          Column containing word classes in output table.
Fields inherited from class
adjustChiSquareForMultipleComparisons, analysisText, analysisTextBreakdownBy, analyzePhraseFrequencies, associationMeasure, blankReplacementCharacter, collocationOccurrenceMap, colorCodeOveruseColumn, compressValueRangeInTagClouds, contextButton, cutoff, displayProgress, filterBigramsByWordClass, filterMultiwordUnitsContainingVerbs, filterOutProperNames, filterSingleOccurrences, filterTrigramsByWordClass, filterUsingLocalMaxs, FONT_SIZE, frequencyAnalysisType, frequencyNormalizationMethod, FrequencyProfileResults, ignoreCaseAndDiacriticalMarks, leftSpan, markSignificantLogLikelihoodValues, maximumMultiwordUnitLength, minimumCount, minimumMultiwordUnitLength, minimumWorkCount, model, percentReportMethod, pluralWordFormString, progressReporter, referenceText, referenceTextBreakdownBy, resultsPanel, resultsScrollPane, resultsTable, rightSpan, roundNormalizedFrequencies, showPhraseFrequencies, showWordClasses, tableSelectionListener, useShortWorkTitlesInDialogs, useShortWorkTitlesInHeaders, useShortWorkTitlesInOutput, useShortWorkTitlesInWindowTitles, wordForm, wordFormString, wordOccs, wordToAnalyze
Constructor Summary
          Create a single word form frequency profile object.
Method Summary
protected  void doFreq(Spelling wordToAnalyze, int analysisCount, int analysisTotalCount, int refCount, int refTotalCount, WordHoardSortedTableModel model)
          Perform frequency comparison of analysis and reference works for a word.
protected  ResultsPanel generateResults(WordHoardSortedTableModel model, int analysisDistinct, int analysisTotal, int referenceDistinct, int referenceTotal)
          Displays results of frequency analysis in a sorted table.
static void reorderCompareResultsTableColumns(javax.swing.JTable resultsTable)
          Reorder columns for display.
 void runAnalysis(javax.swing.JFrame parentWindow, ProgressReporter progressReporter)
          Run an analysis.
Methods inherited from class
areResultOptionsAvailable, closeProgressReporter, createCloudAssociationMeasuresComboBox, createCompressValueRangeInTagCloudsCheckBox, generateResults, getAnalysisPercentColumnName, getChart, getCloud, getCloud, getColTitleWordFormString, getContext, getDoubleFormat, getPercentReportMethodFormat, getReferencePercentColumnName, getResultOptions, getResults, getTableFontSize, getTitle, handleTableSelectionChange, isCancelled, isChartAvailable, isCloudAvailable, isContextAvailable, isFilterAvailable, saveChart, setContextButton, showDialog
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
areResultOptionsAvailable, getChart, getCloud, getContext, getResultOptions, getResults, handleTableSelectionChange, isChartAvailable, isCloudAvailable, isContextAvailable, isFilterAvailable, saveChart, setContextButton, showDialog

Field Detail


protected static final int WORDCLASSCOLUMN
Column containing word classes in output table.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int OVERUSECOLUMN
Column containing overuse values in output table.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int LOGLIKECOLUMN
Column containing log-likelihood values in output table.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public CompareSingleWordFrequencies()
Create a single word form frequency profile object.

Method Detail


public void runAnalysis(javax.swing.JFrame parentWindow,
                        ProgressReporter progressReporter)
Run an analysis.

Specified by:
runAnalysis in interface AnalysisRunner
runAnalysis in class FrequencyAnalysisRunnerBase
parentWindow - Parent window for dialogs in the analysis.
progressReporter - Progress display for analysis.


protected void doFreq(Spelling wordToAnalyze,
                      int analysisCount,
                      int analysisTotalCount,
                      int refCount,
                      int refTotalCount,
                      WordHoardSortedTableModel model)
Perform frequency comparison of analysis and reference works for a word.

wordToAnalyze - The word to analyze.
analysisCount - Count of word in analysis text.
analysisTotalCount - Total number of words in analysis text.
refCount - Count of word in reference text.
refTotalCount - Total number of words in reference text.
model - Table model in which to store results.


protected ResultsPanel generateResults(WordHoardSortedTableModel model,
                                       int analysisDistinct,
                                       int analysisTotal,
                                       int referenceDistinct,
                                       int referenceTotal)
Displays results of frequency analysis in a sorted table.

model - Table model holding data to display.
analysisDistinct - Distinct words in analysis text.
analysisTotal - Total words in analysis text.
referenceDistinct - Distinct words in reference text.
referenceTotal - Total words in reference text.
ResultsPanel with table and title.


public static void reorderCompareResultsTableColumns(javax.swing.JTable resultsTable)
Reorder columns for display.

resultsTable - The results table.

Static method so it can be used by sibling analyses.