
XML bug fixers.


Class Summary
CastList Fixes cast list elements.
ChaAst Fixes problems in A Treatise on the Astrolab.
ChaAuthor Fixes the Chaucer "author" element.
ChaCan Adds extra div's for the Canterbury Tales.
ChaTag Fixes Chaucer tags.
ChaTitle Fixes Chaucer titles ("head" elements).
Curly Fixes curly quote bugs.
Fixer XML fixer abstract base class.
NukeDiv Removes superfluous "div" elements.
ShaAuthor Fixes the Shakespeare "author" element.
ShaSon Fixes for the Shakespeare sonnets.
ShaTag Fixes Shakespeare tags.
ShaTitle Fixes Shakespeare titles ("head" elements).
StagePunc Fixes stage direction punctuation bugs.

Package Description

XML bug fixers.

This package contains "fixer" classes that were used to fix problems and irregularities in the original TEI XML source files for the Shakespeare and Chaucer works.

These classes are no longer used in the build process. We retain them as part of the active source code because similar fixers may be useful in the future when adding new texts to the system.